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Resolution #4: Mass Government Vacancies in the Veteran Administration System

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WHEREAS, the Administration has not filled vacancies created by the 2016 elections, leaving 49,000 unfilled vacancies in the Veterans Administration, and

WHEREAS, in a recent poll conducted by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) shows that 92% of veterans said they want the Veterans Administration to invest in fixing their deficiencies and not a universal health care card or privatization, and

WHEREAS, federal employees are being required to do more with less, and

WHEREAS, the Veterans Administration has increased clinic work by more than 10% since 2013, totaling around 20 million additional provider hours of care, and

WHEREAS, each one of these vacancies is a missed opportunity to make good on our promise to care for those who have served our country, and

WHEREAS, having even one unfilled vacancy is a disgrace, 49,000 unfilled vacancies is a national tragedy.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Indiana State AFL-CIO will call on Congress and the Administration to fill the 49,000 vacant positions in the Veterans Administration

AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that they work with the entire labor movement to put forward labor friendly candidates to fill the vacant Agency Head positions.

Submitted by: Arnold Scott, Vice President, Indiana State AFL-CIO, AFGE